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[ [MOWPOP] Plugin WP-CONTENT In WordPress Upload Exploitation

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  • [ [MOWPOP] Plugin WP-CONTENT In WordPress Upload Exploitation

    باگهای اپلودر وورد پرس معمولا تو پلاگینش زیادن یکیش این mow pop هست

    کد PHP: [align=LEFT] inurl:mow pop
    [/align] یا
    کد PHP: inurl:wp-content/plugins/mowpop/submit.php

    # Exploit Title: [ [MOWPOP] Plugin WP-CONTENT In WordPress Upload Exploitation]
    # Date: [03-04-2012]
    # Author: [ Hacker-Fire ]
    # Category:: [ webapps]
    # Google dork: [inurl:mowpop]
    # Greetz Milw0rm :
    # Demo site:
    # Tested on: [Windows & Linux ]

    1- Go to a website with the google dork and modify all url (without domain) with “/wp-content/plugins/mowpop/submit.php”
    2- Take your Shell.php in text fields.

    3- Open Tamper Data or HTTP Live Header.

    4- Capture or Alter the upload.

    5- Modify the content type with: “image/gif”

    6- Drag’n'drop the borken picture obtained in the url bar.

    7- Go to the url.

    8- Ascend to the index.php with “..” url.

    9- Upload your deface
    به پایان رسیدیم اما نکردیم آغاز
    فرو ریخت پرها نکردیم پرواز
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