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[align=LEFT] [align=LEFT]Open Ports on Windows XP[/align] [align=LEFT]Inside your computer[/align] [align=LEFT]I wage a constant battle to know everything that is going on in my computer. Much of this stems from the constant barage of security holes that Microsoft calls "features" that are enabled by default in Windows XP. Yes, I'm paranoid. :-) This page aims to be a quick-and-easy reference for what ports are open on a reasonably standard installation of Windows XP, and what they are used for.[/align] [align=LEFT]Open ports[/align] [align=LEFT]To see a list of open ports on Windows XP you can install one of many firewall applications, or you can go to a command prompt and enter:[/align] [align=LEFT]netstat -ano [/align] [align=LEFT]To find the program that is using the port, look at the PID number, then use the task manager to match the PID with a running process. To get a more detailed list that includes the EXE file and DLL file names (this takes a bit longer) try this:[/align] [align=LEFT]netstat -anobv [/align] [/align]