[php]#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Script to enumerate DNS information on a domain
# 4 parts
# 1: Try zonetransfer (takes long for big domains, leave it running)
# 2: Lookups from a worldlist
# 3: Results are converted to class C ranges
# 4: Reverse lookups on Class C ranges
# Timeouts are put at 7 secs
# By Filip Waeytens - august 2003 - Filip_Waeytens-at-yahoo.com
use strict;
use Net:NS;
use IO::File;
if (@ARGV!=2){
print "Usage: perl dnsenum.pl <DOMAINNAME> <dns.txt>\n\n";
exit 1;
my $domain=$ARGV[0];
my (@nameservers, @networks, @octets, @roctets, @words, @results, @uniq, @ips);
my ($rr, $i, $f, $config, $ipssize, $raddress, $uniq, $results, $network, $networks);
my %seen;
print "\n\nChecking $domain\n\n";
#getting the namservers for the domain
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->query($domain, "NS");
if ($query) {
foreach $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $query->answer) {
push @nameservers, $rr->nsdname;#push nameservers in the @nameservers array
#print error and exit if it doesn't work out
else {
warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
exit (1);
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Nameservers for this domain:";
print "\n\n----------------------------------------\n\n";
&nslookup (@nameservers);#do a lookup of the nameservers and print them out
#check for dot in domainname and add one if necessary
unless ($domain =~/^\./){
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Trying Zonetransfers\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
&zonetransfer(@nameservers);#trying zonetransfers on nameservers
#opening the textfile with names
$f = new IO::File($config) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n";
#put them in a nice array and instantiate multiple subarrays
my $thread = 0;
my $nthreads = 5;#tweak this for speed - experiment
while (<$f>){
chomp $_;
$words[$thread] = [] unless defined $words[$thread];
push @{$words[$thread]}, $_;
$thread = 0 if ++$thread >= $nthreads;
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Looking up names from $config\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
foreach (@words) {
&nslookup(@$_);#do a lookup for each array in the array and print out results
#C-class range determination
@results =sort @results;
foreach $results(@results){
@octets=split /\./,$results;
push @networks,$network;
#extract unique values from array
%seen = ();
@uniq = ();
foreach $networks(@networks) {
unless ($seen{$networks}) {
# if we get here, we have not seen it before
$seen{$networks} = 1;
push(@uniq, $networks);
#printing the results of our ranges
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Breakdown in C classes\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
foreach $uniq(@uniq){
print "$uniq/24\n";
for ($i=1;$i<255;$i++){
push @ips,"$uniq.$i";#push all unique ip's in the array ips
#starting reverse lookups on the ip's
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "doing reverse lookup of $ipssize addresses\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
&reverselookup(@ips);#calling reverselookup routine with ip's
print "\n\n----------------------------------------\n\n";
#subroutine for reverse lookups
sub reverselookup {
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->query($raddress, "PTR");
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
print $rr->string, "\n";
# else {
# print ".";#this part prints a dot when no result is found-just to check progress
# }
#subroutine for lookups
sub nslookup{
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->search($_);
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
if ($rr->type eq "A"){
print $rr->string, "\n";
if ($_=~/$domain/){
push @results,$rr->address;#push the ip addresses in an array if it belongs to the domain
# else {
# print ".";
# }
#subroutine for zonetransfers
sub zonetransfer{
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my @zone = $res->axfr($domain);
print "trying zonetransfer for $domain on $_\n";
foreach $rr (@zone) {
# Thx
# Mr.XpR -UnknowN- Syamak Black - Samim.s
# FarbodEZRaeL -Sianor - IRIST - Fixxer - And All iranian Hacker
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
# Script to enumerate DNS information on a domain
# 4 parts
# 1: Try zonetransfer (takes long for big domains, leave it running)
# 2: Lookups from a worldlist
# 3: Results are converted to class C ranges
# 4: Reverse lookups on Class C ranges
# Timeouts are put at 7 secs
# By Filip Waeytens - august 2003 - Filip_Waeytens-at-yahoo.com
use strict;
use Net:NS;
use IO::File;
if (@ARGV!=2){
print "Usage: perl dnsenum.pl <DOMAINNAME> <dns.txt>\n\n";
exit 1;
my $domain=$ARGV[0];
my (@nameservers, @networks, @octets, @roctets, @words, @results, @uniq, @ips);
my ($rr, $i, $f, $config, $ipssize, $raddress, $uniq, $results, $network, $networks);
my %seen;
print "\n\nChecking $domain\n\n";
#getting the namservers for the domain
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->query($domain, "NS");
if ($query) {
foreach $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'NS' } $query->answer) {
push @nameservers, $rr->nsdname;#push nameservers in the @nameservers array
#print error and exit if it doesn't work out
else {
warn "query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n";
exit (1);
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Nameservers for this domain:";
print "\n\n----------------------------------------\n\n";
&nslookup (@nameservers);#do a lookup of the nameservers and print them out
#check for dot in domainname and add one if necessary
unless ($domain =~/^\./){
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Trying Zonetransfers\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
&zonetransfer(@nameservers);#trying zonetransfers on nameservers
#opening the textfile with names
$f = new IO::File($config) || die "Couldn't open file for reading: $!\n";
#put them in a nice array and instantiate multiple subarrays
my $thread = 0;
my $nthreads = 5;#tweak this for speed - experiment
while (<$f>){
chomp $_;
$words[$thread] = [] unless defined $words[$thread];
push @{$words[$thread]}, $_;
$thread = 0 if ++$thread >= $nthreads;
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Looking up names from $config\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
foreach (@words) {
&nslookup(@$_);#do a lookup for each array in the array and print out results
#C-class range determination
@results =sort @results;
foreach $results(@results){
@octets=split /\./,$results;
push @networks,$network;
#extract unique values from array
%seen = ();
@uniq = ();
foreach $networks(@networks) {
unless ($seen{$networks}) {
# if we get here, we have not seen it before
$seen{$networks} = 1;
push(@uniq, $networks);
#printing the results of our ranges
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "Breakdown in C classes\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
foreach $uniq(@uniq){
print "$uniq/24\n";
for ($i=1;$i<255;$i++){
push @ips,"$uniq.$i";#push all unique ip's in the array ips
#starting reverse lookups on the ip's
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
print "doing reverse lookup of $ipssize addresses\n";
print "\n------------------------------------------\n\n";
&reverselookup(@ips);#calling reverselookup routine with ip's
print "\n\n----------------------------------------\n\n";
#subroutine for reverse lookups
sub reverselookup {
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->query($raddress, "PTR");
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
print $rr->string, "\n";
# else {
# print ".";#this part prints a dot when no result is found-just to check progress
# }
#subroutine for lookups
sub nslookup{
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my $query = $res->search($_);
if ($query) {
foreach my $rr ($query->answer) {
if ($rr->type eq "A"){
print $rr->string, "\n";
if ($_=~/$domain/){
push @results,$rr->address;#push the ip addresses in an array if it belongs to the domain
# else {
# print ".";
# }
#subroutine for zonetransfers
sub zonetransfer{
foreach $_(@_){
my $res = Net:NS::Resolver->new;
my @zone = $res->axfr($domain);
print "trying zonetransfer for $domain on $_\n";
foreach $rr (@zone) {
# Thx
# Mr.XpR -UnknowN- Syamak Black - Samim.s
# FarbodEZRaeL -Sianor - IRIST - Fixxer - And All iranian Hacker
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~