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Botsniffer new Ver 3.2

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  • Botsniffer new Ver 3.2

    # BNSC v0.0.4d by Shadowserver SSD Team
    # usage: /path/to/config.ini

    # sample config.ini (remove all comments):
    # [target]
    # server = "" ; server ip or hostname
    # port = "6667" ; server port
    # nick = "foo" ; nick
    # user = "foo 0 0 :foo" ; user string
    # join = "#bar zoo" ; join string
    # password = "secret" ; server password (optional)
    # [output]
    # text = "[MyIRC]" ; text to be prepended to output line
    # log = "myirc.log" ; path to log file (append mode)
    # alive = "15" ; number of minutes between connection still established messages
    # [mirror]
    # server = "" ; mirror server ip or hostname
    # port = "6667" ; mirror server port
    # user = "foo 0 0 :foo: ; user string for mirror
    # nick = "me" ; nick
    # join = "#mirror" ; join string
    # throttle = "2" ; seconds between messages
    # password = "secret" ; server password (optional)
    # Release 'd' fixes a known bug with linefeeds.

    use strict;
    use IO::Socket;
    use Errno qw(EWOULDBLOCK);
    use Config::Simple;
    use constant MAXBUF => 8192;
    use Data:umper;
    $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
    my ($to_stdout,$to_socket,$to_log,$to_mirror,$from_mi rror,$last_to_mirror,
    $stdin_done,$sock_done,$log_done, $mirror_done);

    # load config file
    my $ini = shift or die "BNSC v0.0.4d - Botnet Hunters\nUsage: $0 /path/to/config.ini\n";
    tie my %conf, "Config::Simple", $ini;

    # connect to target server
    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new($conf{'target.server'} . ':'
    . $conf{'target.port'}) or die $@;

    # open log file in append mode
    open(LOG, ">>" . $conf{'output.log'}) or
    die "Can't write to logfile " . $conf{'output.log'};

    my $poll = IO::Poll->new() or die "Can't create IO::Poll object";
    my $alive_tell = $conf{'output.alive'} * 60;
    my $alive_last = time();
    my $stdout_last = "\n";
    $poll->mask(\*STDIN => POLLIN);
    $poll->mask($socket => POLLIN);
    $socket->blocking(0); #turn off blocking on the socket
    STDOUT->blocking(0); #and on stdout
    LOG->blocking(0); #and the log

    # connect to mirror server
    my $mirror;
    if ($conf{'mirror.server'})
    $mirror = IO::Socket::INET->new($conf{'mirror.server'} . ':'
    . $conf{'mirror.port'}) or die $@;
    $poll->mask($mirror => POLLIN);
    if ($conf{'mirror.password'})
    $to_mirror = "PASS " . $conf{'mirror.password'} . "\r\n";
    $to_mirror .= "NICK " . $conf{'mirror.nick'} . "\r\n" .
    "USER " . $conf{'mirror.user'} . "\r\n" .
    "JOIN " . $conf{'mirror.join'} . "\r\n";
    $conf{'mirror.throttle'} = 1 unless ($conf{'mirror.throttle'} > 1);

    # text to prepend to each output line
    my $text = $conf{'output.text'};
    $text .= " " if (length($text));
    $text .= "(" . $socket->peerhost() . ':' . $conf{'target.port'} . ") -> ";

    # login to server
    if ($conf{'target.password'})
    $to_socket = "PASS " . $conf{'target.password'} . "\r\n";

    $to_socket .= "NICK " . $conf{'target.nick'} . "\r\n" .
    "USER " . $conf{'target.user'} . "\r\n" .
    "JOIN " . $conf{'target.join'} . "\r\n" .
    "NAMES " . $conf {'target.join'} . "\r\n";

    while ($poll->handles) {


    for my $handle ($poll->handles(POLLIN|POLLHUP|POLLERR)) {
    if ($handle eq \*STDIN) {
    &stdin_done++ unless sysread(STDIN,$to_socket,2048,length $to_socket);

    elsif ($handle eq $socket) {
    $sock_done++ unless sysread($socket,$to_stdout,2048,length $to_stdout);
    elsif ($handle eq $mirror) {
    $mirror_done++ unless sysread($mirror,$from_mirror,2048,length $from_mirror);

    # handle writers
    for my $handle ($poll->handles(POLLOUT|POLLERR))
    if ($handle eq \*STDOUT)
    foreach my $line (split /(\n)/, $to_stdout)
    if ($line =~ /^PING .*)$/i)
    my $id = $1;
    my $bytes = syswrite($socket,"PONG :$id\r\n");
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to socket failed: $!";
    substr($to_stdout,0,length($line)) = '';
    $stdout_last = '';

    if (time() - $alive_last > $alive_tell)

    my $timestamp = gmtime time;
    $to_stdout .= "* Connection still established " . $timestamp . " *\n";
    $alive_last = time();
    if ($stdout_last =~ /\n/)
    syswrite (STDOUT, $text);
    $to_log .= $text;
    if ($mirror)
    $conf{'mirror.join'} =~ /([^\s,]+)/;
    $to_mirror .= "PRIVMSG $1 :" . $text;

    my $bytes = syswrite(STDOUT, $line);
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to stdout failed: $!";

    if ($mirror)
    my $tmp = $line;
    $tmp =~ s/[^[rint:]\n]//g;
    if (length $tmp)
    $to_mirror .= $tmp;

    $to_log .= $line;
    substr($to_stdout,0,$bytes) = '';
    $stdout_last = substr($line, length($line) - 1, 1);
    elsif ($handle eq $socket)
    my $bytes = syswrite($socket,$to_socket);
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to socket failed: $!";
    substr($to_socket,0,$bytes) = '';
    elsif ($handle eq $mirror)
    foreach my $line (split /(\n)/, $from_mirror)
    if ($line =~ /^PING .*)$/i)
    my $id = $1;
    my $bytes = syswrite($mirror,"PONG :$id\r\n");
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to socket failed: $!";
    substr($from_mirror,0,length($line)) = '';

    if (time() - $last_to_mirror > $conf{'mirror.throttle'})
    if ($to_mirror =~ /^([^\r\n]+[\r\n]+)/)
    my $line = $1;
    my $bytes = syswrite($mirror,$line);
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to socket failed: $!";
    substr($to_mirror,0,$bytes) = '';
    $last_to_mirror = time();
    $to_mirror =~ s/^[\r\n]+//;
    elsif ($handle eq \*LOG)
    my $bytes = syswrite(LOG,$to_log);
    unless ($bytes)
    next if $! == EWOULDBLOCK;
    die "write to socket failed: $!";
    substr($to_log,0,$bytes) = '';

    } continue {
    my ($outmask,$inmask,$sockmask,$logmask,$mirrormask) = (0,0,0,0,0);

    $outmask = POLLOUT if length $to_stdout > 0;
    $inmask = POLLIN unless length $to_socket >= MAXBUF
    or ($sock_done || $stdin_done);

    $sockmask = POLLOUT unless length $to_socket == 0 or $sock_done;
    $sockmask |= POLLIN unless length $to_stdout >= MAXBUF or $sock_done;

    $logmask = POLLOUT unless length $to_log == 0 or $log_done;

    $poll->mask(\*STDIN => $inmask);
    $poll->mask(\*STDOUT => $outmask);
    $poll->mask($socket => $sockmask);
    $poll->mask(\*LOG => $logmask);

    if ($conf{'mirror.server'})
    $mirrormask = POLLOUT unless length $to_mirror == 0 or $mirror_done;
    $mirrormask |= POLLIN unless length $from_mirror >= MAXBUF or $mirror_done;

    $poll->mask($mirror => $mirrormask);

    $socket->shutdown(1) if $stdin_done and !length($to_socket);
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